It’s done, everyone. Baselworld 2019 is behind us and now we can look back at everything with non-frenzied perspectives sans the BS “keeping-up-with-the-horological-jones'” rat-race that consumes us in medias res.

Sooo.. what does Baselworld 2019 actually mean for normal watch-folk like us? Were there any releases that TBWS would legitimately spend money on? That’s what we’re focusing on this week. Plus, the guys discuss whether or not some of the “higher end” pieces released this year are actually contribtuig somehting to our shared horology passion as a whole or if these brands are just wheel-spinning.

Also, for your auditory enjoyment Kaz goes on a tirade about webhosting and the site being down – y’all get a glimpse of how the sausage is made.

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