About The Two Broke Watch Snobs
“Dude, WE should just do a podcast.”
“What are we supposed to do? Drink on-air and talk watches?”

That was basically the start of it – the first conversation that spiraled into Mike Penate and Kaz Mirza starting the Two Broke Watch Snobs podcast. From the get-go a lot of the planning before they even recorded their first episode focused on the format of discussions, structuring each topic, making sure there was a plan for each episode, and so on. Until one day Mike and Kaz said “screw it” and just started recording without any real agenda – just a loose set of watches they wanted to cover based on a nebulous, and mostly vague topic. What unfolded was a natural, organic, and honest conversation about horology that could best be described as “horology bar talk” complete with inappropriate jokes, personal neuroses, as well as a candid and often cutting perspective into the nature of authentic watch collecting. In March of 2017 Mike and Kaz were proud to launch this website offering more candid horology content, which includes written articles, honest watch reviews, and more.
The Two Broke Watch Snobs advocate for the rights of horology enthusiasts everywhere to collect and express their horological passion in a way that is true to themselves and not contingent upon a marketing based, watch brand agenda. The Two Broke Watch Snobs also advocates for the clear, and no-nonsense discussion of the current state of watch collecting in the world, because the reality is that horology discussion is missing a lot of honesty and candor. So they plan on talking about watches and drinking on-air for a long time.
The TBWS Team:
Michael Penate: Co-Founder and Senior Editor
Kaz Mirza: Co- Founder and Senior Editor
Nathan Schultz: Watch Reviewer and Editor
Ben Andersen: Watch Reviewer and Editor
Aaron Shapiro: Watch Reviewer and Editor
Kevin Kuntz: Contributor
Damon Bailey: Contributor
Aggressive Timing Habits: Contributor
Baird Brown: Contributor
Jason Tricoli: Contributor
Henry Margenau: Contributor
Mark Signorelli: Contributor
Damon Bailey: Contributor