Inland Empire, CA—”It all starts with an idea,” Mike Dennison begins, “an idea coupled with a sense of community.”  Cliché as the words may sound, the entrepreneur’s vision for is entirely unique and his delivery was polished.  “It’s just crazy how in the year of 2021, with all the websites Watchville has to offer, there isn’t a single trace of information to help identify wristwatches seen in porn.”

Dennison, a 52-year-old native to Upland, California, has spent the last several years cataloging timepieces seen from adult films—more often than not, on the wrists of male actors.

“When you think about it, how’s it any different than regular product placement?  There are a ton of guys out there who want to know what sort of watch can get him across the finish line to finally score with their unusually attractive stepmom or step-sister.  Or babysitter.  Or housekeeper.  Or Spanish teacher…”  He continued to list more popular themes and even some of the lesser ones until confirming, “In any case, they usually wear Invictas.”

Dennison was also eager to address common misconceptions of the industry, “I’ll bet most folks would be surprised to know that of the hundred or so ‘Busty Nurse’ videos reviewed, not a single one featured a pulsometer!”

Although he tends to focus on recent releases, Denisson has archived earlier work from the nineties. “You’ve got to be super studious about the older stuff,” he remarked, “whereas everything’s in HD today, back then it was popular to have those hazy filters.  It could take up to several hours of playback just to narrow the watch down to five possibilities.”  He added, “Usually Timex or Invictas.” generates revenue from finder fees, linking users to third-party suppliers; Denisson’s confident he’ll find an audience.  “Each year, online porn revenues account for $12 billion and Swiss watch sales add up to $55 billion.  If we get enough of that cash flow I figure we can start producing our own content.”

He paused for effect, “I’d call it Hoe-dinkee.”

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